Staten Island
82 Lamberts Lane
Staten Island, NY 10314

301 E 17th St.
New York, NY 10003

Eastpointe Integrated Healthcare
2373 Hwy. 36 Atlantic Highlands,
New Jersey 07716

Brielle Integrated Healthcare
629 Higgins Ave. Brielle,
New Jersey 08730

Metropolitan Surgical Institute (MSI)
540 Bordentown Ave, 2nd Fl. South Amboy,
New Jersey 08879

Fall Sports: How To Prevent Season-Ending Injuries

iOrtho is a multispecialty musculoskeletal health care practice providing patients with innovative procedures and state-of-the-art treatments. In the following “Q&A” Gregory Montalbano, MD, faculty at NYU Medical School, discusses some of the common orthopedic issues that can arise during fall sports and provides insights into their prevention and treatment:

Q: “What are some common orthopedic injuries associated with fall sports?”
A: Fall sports can bring about several orthopedic injuries due to their dynamic and sometimes high-impact nature. Some typical injuries include:

  • Sprains and Strains: Twisting, jumping and sudden changes in direction can lead to sprained ligaments or strained muscles.
  • Fractures: High-contact fall sports such as football can result in bone fractures, often in the arms, legs or collarbone.
  • Dislocations:Collisions or falls can cause joint dislocations, commonly in the shoulder or fingers.
  • Overuse Injuries: Repetitive motions in sports such as running, soccer or cross country can lead to overuse injuries such as stress fractures or tendonitis.
Q: “How can athletes prevent these injuries?”
A: Preventing fall sports injuries requires a combination of proper preparation and mindful behavior:
  • Warm-up and Stretching: Engage in a thorough warmup routine to increase blood flow to muscles and follow it with dynamic stretches.
  • Strength and Conditioning: Build strength in core muscles to provide better support for joints and minimize injury risks.
  • Proper Equipment: Wear appropriate protective gear, such as helmets, pads or supportive footwear.
  • Technique Training: Learn and practice correct techniques for your sport to reduce the risk of accidents.
  • Rest and Recovery: Ensure adequate rest between practices and games to allow the body to recover.
Q: “What should athletes do if they sustain an injury?”
A: When an injury occurs, taking prompt and appropriate action is crucial:
  • R.I.C.E Method: Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation can help reduce pain and swelling immediately after an injury.
  • Immediate Care: Consult a medical professional for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan. iOrthoNOW offers specialized emergency walk-in orthopedic care for patients of all ages. The Staten Island location offers on-site advanced imaging options, including X-Ray, MRI, fluoroscopy and ultrasound. iOrtho physicians can diagnose any orthopedic injury. The center is conveniently open Monday through Friday between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.
  • Assessment by a Medical Professional: Consult a health care provider or sports medicine specialist for a thorough evaluation of the injury. They can provide an accurate diagnosis, assess the severity of the injury and recommend an appropriate treatment plan.
  • Gradual Return to Activity: Once cleared by a medical professional, follow a gradual and supervised return-to-play protocol. Rushing back into sports too soon can worsen the injury or lead to new ones.
  • Maintain a Positive Mindset: Recovery can be challenging, both physically and mentally. Staying positive and patient throughout the process can contribute to better outcomes.
Q: “How can fall sports athletes promote long-term joint health?”
A: Promoting long-term joint health involves a comprehensive approach that goes beyond immediate injury management. Diversify physical activities to prevent overuse, maintain a balanced nutrient-rich diet, stay hydrated for optimal joint lubrication, listen to your body’s signals to avoid overexertion and schedule regular orthopedic check-ups, especially if you have a history of injuries. These practices collectively ensure enduring joint health, supporting both immediate athletic performance and long-term well-being.

As the leaves change color and the weather cools down, fall welcomes a variety of sports and outdoor activities. It’s essential to prioritize safety and injury prevention. Remember, a healthy and well-cared-for body is key to achieving your athletic goals and enjoying the activities you love.

Contact iOrtho at 833-464-6784 to schedule an appointment and take the first step toward a healthier, more active future. All major insurances are accepted, including GHI-Emblem Health, Empire Blue Cross-Blue Shield, Aetna, Cigna, United Healthcare, 1199, MagnaCare, Medicare, worker compensation and no fault.

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